The Praxis Project is a national movement support intermediary committed to capacity building for social change. Our emphasis is on developing fields of work in ways that encourage multi-level, trans-disciplinary learning and collaboration across issues, across the country, and across the globe.

This report identifies key system and community impacts that resulted from a decade of Berkeley, CA’s tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, as well as examples of how racial equity and community power building were centered in the efforts to build a healthier community overall.
Let’s expand the algorithm of scientific progress in food security, food systems, and nutrition and health to include the health outcomes of all our communities and let’s use this data to guide new research and resource investments. This is my long-term hope for this work.
This brief summarizes our 2022 network survey results, focusing on community power, features of community power, how groups build community power, the challenges and opportunities they face in their work, and how Praxis can support their efforts.
In this brief, we define popular education, discuss its merits, provide examples of popular education in action, and share recommendations and resources for incorporating popular education into your programming to better support dialogues and liberation.
This brief, created by The Praxis Project and Berkeley Media Studies Group, a program of the Public Health Institute, presents findings from a series of surveys, Learning Circles, and media analyses designed to examine the extent to which community basebuilding organizations (CBOs) played a role in declarations of racism as a public health crisis and how the declarations were covered in the media.
Join the Collaborative for Anti-Racism & Equity (CARE) for a webinar on the work being done to support and address the role of community declarations of racism as a public health crisis.
The Community Justice Exchange and The Praxis Project invite you to the virtual premiere of Getting Free from the Cage Within: Exploring the Intersection of Radical Healing, Abolition and Popular Education, a short animated video that offers a framework denouncing the colonial and white supremacist roots of our current carceral “democracy” and its painful traumatizing impact in our communities while calling us to commit to processes for radical healing centered in dignity and community.
The Praxis Project has partnered with ChangeLab Solutions on two policy briefs designed to aid policymakers, changemakers, local leaders, and organizers explore strategies to advance economic prosperity and racial equity in our rural communities. Read more about the briefs below.
In response to the SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action, we pledge to continue our work to break down barriers, focusing our efforts on building local power through initiatives that advance our democracy.
Xavier Morels appeared on the Cricial Futures podcast to talk about the importance of community power-building, the role of partner organizations, and the work that must be done across the country to create more equitable health outcomes for all communities.
The Praxis Project celebrates the legal win of Cultiva La Salud, ChangeLab Solutions, and the American Heart Association to repeal the industry-backed, 12-year preemption of local sugary drink taxes in California.
The Praxis Project is hosting an informational webinar to provide more details on the Culture of Health Prize application process. The webinar will feature Ana Maria Delarosa from Healthy & Equitable Communities at Health Resources in Action. Ana Maria will review the revamped prize criteria and timeline and answer questions.
We are so grateful for not only your continued partnership, but for your friendship, and we look forward to working together in the new year.
Happy Holidays! The Praxis Project team wanted to take a moment and extend gratitude for our work together this year! We are closed Dec. 24- Jan. 3rd for an organizational wide winter break! We look forward to reconnecting with you in 2023.
You are invited to kick off the New Year with Praxis staff and members of the Communities of Praxis in our first Relax with Praxis of the year! Together we will reflect on 2022 and celebrate all that lies ahead for 2023. January 27th, 11-12pm PT/1-2pm CT/2-3pm ET. Register here!
Save the Date! Roots & Remedies 2023 will be in St. Louis, MO from July 14 - 16
Every year Praxis invites our Communities of Praxis members to share some of their top organizing or advocacy campaigns in their own communities through out annual survey. Learn more…
The 13th Amendment did not really outlaw slavery; it has continued to manifest and disguise itself through a multitude of oppressive systems. Mass incarceration serves as a modern form of slavery that continues to exploit Black communities for labor and limits their freedom. The criminal legal system is responsible for tearing families apart and leaving children without their caretakers….
I vividly remember the silence and palpable anger amongst my friends when news first broke out last May about the leaked Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade. That evening, in solidarity with many of our classmates, we chalked messages on the sidewalk condemning the decision…
Join The Praxis Project for the next webinar in our Centering Community in Public Health Webinar Series: From Food Justice to Liberation: Building Community Power through Community Gardens & Urban Farms.
Check out the newest release in our Learning Circle Brief Series: From Food Justice to Liberation: Building Community Power through Community Gardens & Urban Farms. This brief seeks to understand how urban farms and community gardens stewarded by Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) power-building and base-building organizations help raise community consciousness about healthy food systems, create opportunities for resident leadership and skill development, promote local economic development, and provide healthy food alternatives.
For National Intern Day, we want to take a moment and appreciate our dynamic 2022 interns and everything that they bring to The Praxis Project!
In this episode of In Praxis, Season 3: Community-Driven Strategies for Food Justice, Albino Garcia gives a rich history of how La Plazita came into existence. He discusses La Plazita's philosophies of "La Cultura Cura" and how they are healing formally incarcerated youth and families through connecting them to the land. Albino also takes time to dive deep into what it means to build organic community power.
In this episode of In Praxis, Season 3: Community-Driven Strategies for Food Justice, Dr. Ashley Gripper tells an in-depth story of her life—sharing all the interconnected moments, memories and experiences that brought her to the land work that she does daily. Through joy, grief, sorrow, and healing, all things return back to the earth and so should we.
As anticipated, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Access to safe health care is a human right. This is dangerous and unconstitutional and will have devastating consequences on BIPOC, low-income people, rural communities, and other marginalized communities whose residents often do not have the resources or ability to travel to obtain the safe, reproductive health care they need. Read more…
In this episode of In Praxis, Season 3: Community-Driven Strategies for Food Justice, Lupe Gonzalo of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) shares the profound power that lies within farmworker voices to build agency among farmworkers in impact change in Immokalee, FL and inspired advocates nation-wide. [This episode is in Spanish. An English transcription can be found on the episode webpage]
The Praxis Project Presents: Roots & Remedies 2022, Pleasure in Praxis! Join us from July 11-15th for a pleasurable week of virtual programming all centering the radical practice of pleasure as activism.
This new article from The National Academic of Medicine Commentary co-authored by Praxis ED, Xavier Morales, shares how building community power is essential to achieving health and racial equity.
In this episode of In Praxis, Season 3: Community-Driven Strategies for Food Justice, Bevelyn Afor Ukah share’s her work with youth working towards food justice whose organizing efforts span across interconnected issue areas leading us towards liberation.
In this episode of In Praxis, Season 3: Community-Driven Strategies for Food Justice, Donne Gonzalez and Emily Arasim discuss their deep commit to serving as acequia caretakers, and passing on knowledge about intergenerational farming and the larger systems impacting people living in New Mexico.
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