our Principles
The Praxis Project has organized a set of Working Principles for Health Justice and Racial Equity to help guide our work in partnership with allies to center community interests in the design, promotion, implementation, and evaluation of policies and initiatives that support health justice and racial equity for everyone.
To make a positive impact on health inequities, radical shifts need to occur in many of our day-to-day activities, practices and approaches. The current status quo is not working; we see health and racial disparities continue to increase across sectors, geography, and issues. As such, Praxis’ underlying goal is to promote the authentic engagement of basebuilding community organizers in health- and justice-affirming transformative policies and practices while acknowledging and learning from the historical and contemporary injustice of policy processes and outcomes shaping where we are today.
To help us get to a place where everyone has the same opportunity for health justice and racial equity, Praxis offers these Working Principles for Health Justice and Racial Equity to ensure that our programmatic, community, and policy work aligns with our intended impact of supporting health justice and racial equity for all.
The Praxis Project (2020, March). Working Principles for Health Justice and Racial Equity. Retrieved from https://www.thepraxisproject.org/our-principles.
Check out @Praxis_Project’s Working Principles for Health Justice & Racial Equity as a checklist to ensure that our health initiatives and programs will be transformational for our communities. #PraxisPrinciples bit.ly/PraxisPrinciples
Need guidance on how to make sure your health initiatives & programs actually make an impact for health justice & racial equity? Read @Praxis_Project’s Working Principles: bit.ly/PraxisPrinciples #PraxisPrinciples
Black & brown communities have experienced inequities & injustice for too long. We need more conscious health equity & justice work.
Inspired by the Jemez Principles, @Praxis_Project’s Working Principles aims to provide a guiding frame. #PraxisPrinciples bit.ly/PraxisPrinciples
To advance health justice & racial equity in our communities we must break from oppressive systems. How do we start?
@Praxis_project's Working Principles for Health Justice & Racial Equity shares what's necessary to embody this change. #PraxisPrinciples bit.ly/PraxisPrinciples
Coronavirus is lifting the veil on oppression & injustice to those w/more privilege & power.
Learn from @Praxis_Project's Working Principles to apply principles of health equity & racial justice to make your work more transformative for those you serve: bit.ly/PraxisPrinciples
We cannot afford another pandemic, natural or state-enabled disaster to unveil how our systems don't protect Black & brown communities.
@Praxis_Project's Working Principles calls for assessing of our work's commitment to health justice & racial equity: bit.ly/PraxisPrinciples

Organizational Self-Assessment
Ready for the next step? The Working Principles for Health Justice & Racial Equity Organizational Self-Assessment is a tool for organizations or programs to reflect on the ways in which they embody health justice and racial equity in practice, and identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Praxis does not believe that health justice and racial equity can simply be calculated; rather, this assessment is simply a guide to facilitate reflection and team discussions, and support actions that organizations can take to improve authentic community partnerships.
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